The Complete Bilingual Editions of Immanuel Kant
- The Critique of Pure Reason: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV
- The Critique of Practical Reason: Part I, Part II
- The Critique of Judgement: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII
The complete bilingual of THE INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS and ON DREAMS
English | German | ||
I. | The Scientific Literature Dealing With the Problem of Dreams | Die Wissenschaftliche Literatur der Traumprobleme | Download Chapters I-IV |
II. |
The Method of Interpreting Dreams: An Analysis of a Specimen Dream
| Die Methode der Traumdeutung: Die Analyse eines Traummusters | |
III. | A Dream is the Fulfilment of a Wish | Die Traum ist eine Wunscherfűllung | |
IV. | Distortion in Dreams | Die Traumentstellung | |
V. | The Material and Sources of Dreams | Die Traummaterial und die Traumquellen | Download Chapter V |
VI. | The Dream-Work | Die Traumarbeit | Download Chapter VI |
VII. | The Psychology of the Dream-Processes | Zur Psychologie der Traumvorgänge | Download Chapter VII |
VIIa. | Bibilographies, Indices | Bibliographien, Indizes | Download VIIa |
ON DREAMS | Über den Traum | Download | |
A Metapsychological Supplement to the Theory of Dreams | Metapsychologischen Ergänzung zur Traumlehre | Download Metapsychologial Supplement to the Theory of Dreams | |
Some Additional Notes Upon Dream Interpretation as a Whole | Einige Nachträge zum Ganzen der Traumdeutung | Download Some Additional Notes Upon Dream Interpretation as a Whole | |
How the topics of chapter 1 are distributed in the remaining 6 chapters of The Interpretation of Dreams | |||
What Freud did and did not associate to in his Dream of Irma's Injection | |||
Dream Interpretation: Free Association or Universal Symbolism? |
- From the Konkordanz zu den G.W. von Sigmund Freud: Ausstossung, Bejahung, Verneinung, Verleugnung, Verwerfung not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E.
- From the Konkordanz zu den G.W. von Sigmund Freud: Instinkte, Instinkten not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E.
- Bilingual of Freud’s book On Aphasia (Zur Auffassung der Aphasien) not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E.
- Freud’s entry ‘Aphasia’ in the A. Villaret Handwörterbuch der gesamten Medizin (1888) not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E.
- Zur Auffassung der Aphasien (original 1891 edition) not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E.
- Index to Freud’s Aphasia book (1891): by author, by topic:
- Index by author to Freud’s Aphasia book (1891)
— not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E. - Index by topic to Freud’s Aphasia book (1891)
— not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E.
- Index by author to Freud’s Aphasia book (1891)
- STUDIES ON HYSTERIA—with Breuer’s original case history sent to Robert Binswanger in Kreuzlingen
- Bernays, J: On Catharsis: From Fundamentals of Aristotle’s Lost Essay on the “Effect of Tragedy” (1857)—English translation
- Bernays: Zwei Abhandlungen über die aristotelischen Theorie des Drama, 1880 (contains the original German text of no. 18)
- Anna O. chronology
- Freud reveals to Stefan Zweig the secret of Breuer’s Anna O. case
- Bertha Pappenheim (Anna O.) visits New York City at the same time as Freud
- Bertha Pappenheim, zum Gedächtnis
- List of bi-lingual texts of Freud
- Organic Foundations of Psycho-Analysis—References
- Mathilde Schleicher page
- A Note Upon the ‘Mystic Writing-Pad’ (Notiz über den »Wunderblock«)
- Stekel: Die Verpflichtung des Namens (The Obligation/Responsibility of Names) not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E.
- On the Determining Power of Names by Karl Abraham not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E.
- The Antithetical Meaning of Primal Words: ABEL, FREUD
- The complete bilingual of MOSES AND MONOTHEISM:
- Part 1, (includes the suppressed intro to the Manuscript Draft)
— not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E. - Part 2, (includes Ernst Sellin’s Mose und seine Bedeutung…)
— not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E.
- Part 1, (includes the suppressed intro to the Manuscript Draft)
- THE QUESTION OF LAY ANALYSIS with Freud’s unpublished 1935 postscript
- The ‘Uncanny’ (Das Unheimliche)
- Dostoevsky and Parricide (Dostojewski und die Vatertötung)
- Thoughts for the Times on War and Death (Zeitgemäßes über Krieg und Tod)
- Why War? (Warum Krieg?)
- The Psycho-Analytic View of Psychogenic Disturbance of Vision
- Wiener (Protokolle)—Spring’s Awakening by Wedekind, 13, Febr.1907
— not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E. - Wiener (Protokolle)—Konrad F. Meyer & Methodology of the Psychology of Poets, 4& 11, Dec.1907 — not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E.
- The Missing Wiener (Protokolle)—On the Genesis of Fetishism, 24 Feb. 1909
— not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E. - AN OUTLINE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS (Abriss der Psychoanalyse)
- The Aetiology of Hysteria
- Hysterical Phantasies and Their Relation to Bisexuality
- Sexuality in the Aetiology of the Neuroses
- Heredity and the Aetiology of the Neuroses (originally in French, Freud uses the term ‘jouissance’)
- THE EGO AND THE ID (Das Ich und das Es)
- A Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis (Brief an Romain Rolland)
- THE FUTURE OF AN ILLUSION (Die Zukunft einer Illusion)
- Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of His Childhood (Eine Kindheitserinnerung des Leonardo da Vinci)
- A Special Type of Choice of Object Made by Men I—Contributions to the Psychology Love, 1910
- On the Universal Tendency to Debasement in the Sphere of Love II—Contributions to the Psychology of Love
- CIVILIZATION AND ITS DISCONTENTS (Das Unbehagen in der Kultur)
- On Transience (Vergänglichkeit)
- Some Additional Notes upon Dream-Interpretation as a Whole (Einige Nachtrage zum Ganzen der Traumdeutung)
- Obsessions and Phobias: Their Psychical Mechanism and their Aetiology (Obsessions et phobies. Leur mécanisme psychique et leur étiologie)
- Medusa’s Head (Das Medusenhaupt)
- Lecture XVII: The Sense of Symptoms and Lecture XXIII: The Paths to the Formation of Symptoms
- Freud: Some Character-Types Met with in Psycho-analytic Work
- The Freudian Concept of Representative (Repräsentanz) by Michel Tort from Cahiers pour l’Analyse, Vol. 5
- The Claims of Psycho-Analysis to Scientific Interest (Das Interesse an der Psychoanalyse)
- On the Grounds for Detaching a Particular Syndrome from Neurasthenia under the description “Anxiety Neurosis” & A Reply to Criticisms of my Paper on Anxiety Neurosis
- The Neuro-Psychoses of Defence (Die Abwehr-Neuropsychosen)
- Further Remarks on the Neuro-Psychoses of Defence (Weitere Bemerkungen Über die Abwehr-Neuropsychosen)
- Some Points for a Comparative Study of Organic and Hysterical Motor Paralyses (Quelques Considérations pour une Étude Comparative des Paralysies Motrices Organiques et Hystériques)
- Observation of a Severe Case of Hemi-Anaethesia in a Hysterical Male (Beobachtung einer hochgradigen Hemianästhesie bei einem hysterischen Mann)
- Psychical (or Mental) Treatment ((Psychische Behandlung (Seelenbehandlung))
- Lecture XXX Dreams and Occultism (Traum und Okkultismus)
- Dreams and Telepathy (Traum und Telepathie)
- Psycho-Analysis and Telepathy (Psychoanalyse und Telepathie)
- Freud’s letter to Jung of December 06, 1906 describing psychoanalysis as a cure through love (eine Heilung durch Liebe) not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E.
- Excerpts from Freud’s Correspondence with Fliess—things overheard and only understood subsequently not in the S.E., nor in the NEW S.E.
- Frege: On Sense & Reference (Über Sinn und Bedeutung)
- Heidegger: Being and Time: Div I, Div II
- Nietzsche: On the Genealogy of Morals
- Nietzsche: On Truth and Lie in an Extra-Moral Sense
- Bilingual of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit—A.V. Miller translation:
- Bilingual of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit—J.B. Baillie translation
- Bilingual of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit—Terry Pinkard translation